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Stable Diffusion Prompts

Positive & Negative prompts are important for image generation. Learning how to build a prompt is the key to producing the image results you want.

Below is an example of a basic 1 girl prompt, which funnily enough, produces 2 girls, both of which are deformed.

And below is another example of Stable Diffusion, only this time we have entered Positive + Negative prompts, as well as tweaking some other settings.

What a difference.

In the above example, we’ve used the below prompts & settings.

You can copy and paste these straight into your Stable Diffusion to see the results for yourself.

Positive Prompts

(1girl:1.2), ((upper body selfie, happy)), masterpiece, best quality, ultra-detailed, solo, outdoors, (night), mountains, nature, (stars, moon) cheerful, happy, backpack, sleeping bag, camping stove, water bottle, mountain boots, gloves, sweater, hat, flashlight, forest, rocks, river, wood, smoke, shadows, contrast, clear sky, analog style (look at viewer:1.2) (skin texture) (film grain:1.3), (warm hue, warm tone:1.2), close up, cinematic light, sidelighting, ultra high res, best shadow, RAW, upper body, wearing pullover

Negative Prompts

Negative prompt: (3d, render, cgi, doll, painting, fake, cartoon, 3d modeling:1.4), (worst quality, low quality:1.4), monochrome, child, deformed, malformed, deformed face, bad teeth, bad hands, bad fingers, bad eyes, long body, blurry, duplicate, cloned, duplicate body parts, disfigured, extra limbs, fused fingers, extra fingers, twisted, distorted, malformed hands, mutated hands and fingers, conjoined, missing limbs, bad anatomy, bad proportions, logo, watermark, text, copyright, signature, low-res, mutated, mutilated, artifacts, gross, ugly


Steps: 30
Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
CFG scale: 20, Seed: -1
Size: 1024×768

Prompt Book

This is a very handy resource for choosing positive prompts, including camera types, lengths, style, year, scale and more.

The prompt book is for Dall-E 2 but works for Stable Diffusion also.

Quick Prompt Guide

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